A Growing Trend
Whether it’s because of the Covid-19 pandemic, “Meatless Mondays” or the Game Changers movie, which is presented by Arnold Schwarzenegger and others; there is growing enthusiasm for plant-based diets. Many are trying to adopt this “no dairy, no meat” approach for the possible health benefits or for a more ethical sustainable lifestyle.
More Than A Switch For The Planet
The Planetary Health Diet, alternative protein, meatless, plant protein, vegan “milk”, vegan steak, or vegan eggs are fast becoming familiar terms. Some restaurants and food companies are adapting to this new food revolution. Companies such as Danone or Nestle are quickly embracing that trend.
There are even support groups such as the Vegan Women Leadership Network, which was created to offer resources, training, and training development for female vegan leaders.
Furthermore, in 2020, FMCG Gurus, a market research and behavioral change company, published these two reports: FMCG Gurus: Top Trend – Plant Life Explored 2020 Report and FMCG Gurus: How Has COVID-19 Changed Consumer Behaviour 2020. In both reports, the company describes the positive consumer behavior change with respect to eating plant-based foods and meat alternatives.
Plant-Based And Lifestyle Medicine
More recently, medical professionals went ahead and created an online plant-based consulting platform. Plant Based Health Online (PBHO) is a UK healthcare service platform. It was created by Vegan medical doctors Shireen Kassam and Laura Freeman. The idea behind such initiative is to help everyone improve their lifestyle habits and reduce the negative effects of COVID-19. It is a multidisciplinary platform where patients are given access to a group of health professionals; such as general practitioners (GPs), nutritionists, registered dietitians, personal trainers, a health coach and many more. This supportive approach offers a realistic opportunity to really improve overall health.
Plant-Based Transformation And Preventing Nutrient Deficiencies
Choosing to eat plant-based foods does not have to be a struggle or make your life miserable. Also, it is not meant to be used as a “purge”, a “cleanse” or a “miracle diet”.
The plant-based diet is generally associated with good health. One of it’s documented challenges is preventing nutrient deficiencies. The major risk of a vegetarian and especially a vegan diet is to suffer from deficits in certain vitamins, minerals or essential fatty acids, especially vitamin B12, zinc and iron. Keep an eye on those nutrients and ensure sufficient intake.
Now, to slowly transform your meals, let’s go over these five essentials:
PLANT-BASED: The goal is to eat as many balanced whole plant meals as possible. Aim for at least 85%. By plant-based try to also include cereals (100% whole grain), seeds, nuts and legumes. The more you have, the better; but not to worry if you have a slice of pizza or brownie -That’s the other 15%. Focus on whole foods, rather than processed plant-based meals, which can contain undesired additives.

SIMPLE: EASY meals are key! Complicated recipes are time-consuming and overwhelming. It’s fun to try something new once in a while, but your day-to-day meals can be simple to make.
DELICIOUS: If we are choking down our food, there is a very good chance we won’t be eating it for long. We have to enjoy what we eat. Plant-based eating does not mean we have to sacrifice flavor!
HEALTHY: The word healthy has a different meaning for everyone. So to keep it simple, our food should have a variety of nutrients and be colorful. You normally feel good after eating, not heavy, lethargic or bloated.

Shift Your Habit And Discover What Brings You Joy
Not everyone can fully commit to an all plant-based diet but focusing on plant-based meals can be a way to be more discerning about food or help to think outside the box in ways of recipes & variety of food. Compliment your effort and focus on what most bring you JOY, not only physically (weight loss, more energy) but also mentally – more comfortable connection with food, increased confidence, and overall increased feeling of wellbeing.
We don’t endorse all the claims around the benefits of a plant-based diet. There’s some evidence that a whole plant diet can have a positive impact on overall health. Veggies, whole grains and fruits help increase our minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber intake. This study published by such eminent organization as the American Heart Association reinforces the idea that eating mostly plants has benefited many. If you have a known health condition, you may want to consult with a Doctor/healthcare practitioner to make an informed decision about your body needs or whether plant-based is suitable for you.
Compiled and Written by Lanna-Gerline Millien for Healiency
In the world of health and wellness, it’s easy to get lost. At Healiency.com, we want you to “live your wellbeing” by providing you with the evidence needed to stay healthy. We rely on evidence-based whenever possible.